
We will list upcoming events here on our website, but please also Like us on Facebook to get up-to-date announcements of events.

NVFN Food Events

The Nechako Valley Food Network is proud to offer the community member-lead Food Events. Check below to learn more about these great learning and social opportunities all about FOOD!

If you have an idea for a Food Event, please contact us.

Here is a list of Food Events we have put on in the past...

Community Gardens Tour in Prince George

See the poster for details

Day of the Bee

This event was really well received. There were bee demonstrations and lots of education and awareness of bees.

Borno Garden Tour

Thank you to Don and Linda Borno for a fantastic morning walk through their lush and bountiful vegetable garden. We learned a lot about their Community Supported Agriculture business (Veggie Bins) and saw how they were able to provide so many Vanderhoof residents with their healthy produce.

Greenhouse Tours

hank you to Tara Beal (From Nechako Valley Organics), Glenn and Sarah Sensiger and family, Judy and Gary Blattner, Valerie and Allan Pagdin, and Henry and Donna Klassen for sharing their greenhouses/gardens with us!  (Also, thanks to Henry and Donna Klassen for holding the potluck supper at their place.)

We saw many different ideas for greenhouses, some of which include incorporating a children's play area (plastic kitchen) with walls made of sunflowers in one greenhouse (sunflower cottage), moss used for moderating water in the greenhouse. Other great ideas were having petunias planted in a greenhouse to attract bees and butterflies, rocks placed in a different greenhouse to use as a heat sink.  

We also saw different strands of wheat growing outside (4X4 experimental wheat plot at Blattners, which was very interesting to see.